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Age of conan pvp guild.
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 What it takes to be apart of F.E.A.R

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Posts : 17
Join date : 2008-12-03

What it takes to be apart of F.E.A.R Empty
PostSubject: What it takes to be apart of F.E.A.R   What it takes to be apart of F.E.A.R I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 03, 2008 5:01 pm

What we ask our members is fairly simple.

1. 18+ in age. No exceptions to this rule are made. Sorry

2. Drama. Keep this crap out of the game.

3. Respect. You represent F.E.A.R everywhere you go in game. Be proud and do not bring dishonor to your fellow members by being a tool.

4. Have Ventrilo and a working Mic. If you can afford 15 bucks a month for a game, you can afford a working Mic.

5. Have a decent internet connection. DCing every 30 seconds gets nowhere fast.

6. Speak english! We are an english speaking community. Enough said.

7. This one is huge. Have thick skin. We are adults, and with that said, we will not censor guild chat, vent, or any other form of chat. If you are easily offended, F.E.A.R is not for you. We are not extremist, racist, or bigots. We are adults and we refuse to monitor what people say inside our own channels.

Note: Our prime raid/event times are generally around 7pm PST/EST. Yes we run two raids daily based on EST/PST. Please consider this when applying.

Thats it. If you can handle these very simple things that we ask, then we encourage you to apply for membership. F.E.A.R have tons of fun gaming and hanging out. If you enjoy gaming with a group of fun, wild adults, we encourage you to apply.Wwe are always looking for more
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